The Oxford Hotel gay bar Sydney

The Oxford Hotel gay bar Sydney
photo by The Oxford

The Oxford Hotel is one of the well known gay bars in Sydney. Upon entering the main bar on the ground floor, you are claimed by a Los Angeles industrial warehouse space, with fantastic volumes and thumping tunes.

Usually gets going in the weekend after 21h.

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The Oxford Hotel information

opening hours

opening hours

  • mon
    10:00 - 04:00
  • tue
    10:00 - 04:00
  • wed
    10:00 - 04:00
  • thu
    10:00 - 04:00
  • fri
    10:00 - 06:00
  • sat
    10:00 - 06:00
  • sun
    10:00 - 04:00
Opening hours are for guidance only.


The Oxford Hotel
134, Oxford Street
Darlinghurst, Sydney map
opening hours

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Updated: 22 Aug 2022

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