Palma de Mallorca Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Palma de Mallorca

Check our online hotel map of Palma de Mallorca to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Hotel Victoria Gran Meliá, Palma de Mallorca
Hotel Victoria Gran Meliá
Avenida Joan Miró, 21 map
Palma de Mallorca

From € 158 - € 460
188 rooms
1477 reviews, 8.6

Hotel Victoria Gran Meliá has an ideal location in central Palma, offering views of its marina, just 100 metres away. This hotel features parking and indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

Palacio Can Marqués, Palma de Mallorca
Palacio Can Marqués
c/ Apuntadores 15 map
Old Town, Palma de Mallorca

From € 314 - € 662
14 rooms
255 reviews, 9.1

Located 5 minutes walk from the port of Palma, is the Palacio Can Marqués de Palma de Mallorca, which is an architectural jewel from the 18th century located in the Lonja neighborhood in the old town.

Hotel Costa Azul, Palma de Mallorca
Hotel Costa Azul
Avenida Gabriel Roca, 7 map
Palma de Mallorca

From € 119 - € 318
58 rooms
2392 reviews, 8.4

Stunning views of Palma Harbour can be enjoyed from the small pool on the third floor of Hotel Costa Azul. Free Wi-Fi, LED satellite TV and fridge are included in the bright, air-conditioned rooms.

Hotel Palma Bellver , Affiliated by Meliá, Palma de Mallorca
Hotel Palma Bellver , Affiliated by Meliá
Paseo Marí­timo, 11 map
Palma de Mallorca

From € 91 - € 192
385 rooms
4117 reviews, 8.0

Hotel Palma Bellver, managed by Meliá is situated on the seafront in Palma de Mallorca, with views over Palma Bay and the marina.


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