Hvar Island Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Hvar Island

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Featured hotels
Palace Elisabeth, Hvar Heritage Hotel, Hvar Island
Palace Elisabeth, Hvar Heritage Hotel
Trg Svetog Stjepana 5 map
Hvar Island

From € 396 - € 1397
24 rooms
225 reviews, 9.5

Palace Elisabeth, Hvar Heritage Hotel is the oldest hotel on Hvar, framed by St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the famous Hvar Theatre in a beautiful setting surrounded by Gothic and Renaissance architecture.

Amfora Hvar Grand Beach Resort, Hvar Island
Amfora Hvar Grand Beach Resort
Ulica biskupa Jurja Dubokovića 5 map
Hvar Island

From € 139 - € 385
325 rooms
2279 reviews, 8.2

This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Situated on a secluded bay, this luxury hotel is located near a beach and features a multi-level pool.

Pharos Hvar Hotel, Hvar Island
Pharos Hvar Hotel
Ulica Dinka Kovačevića 10 map
Hvar Island

From € 131 - € 251
197 rooms
1671 reviews, 8.4

Situated in a secluded pine grove and completely renovated in 2016, the modern Pharos Hvar Bayhill Hotel offers brightly furnished rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, an outdoor gym and bar area, as well as a modern restaurant serving international and local delicacies.

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