
The team that runs Mama Mia, Hub & Mama Beach has, in the last eleven years, given birth to one of the greatest draws of the gay scene in Italy.

. Mama Mia has helped a lot in rendering the Marina di Torre del Lago what the most important national press "La Repubblica" once referred to as "The Italian Miami Beach". Above all, Mama Mia is fun: drag queens' performances, dance-club on friday, saturday and sunday night, the perfect place for an aperitif on saturday and sunday afternoon, open at lunch time with salads and sandwiches and meeting point for the Tuscan lesbian community. Fanciful stagings, gorgeous go go boys, wonderful drags, now famous all around Italy, handsome and skilled barmen complete the image of this great gay club.

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Mamamia information

opening hours

opening hours

  • wed
    22:30 - 03:00
  • thu
    22:30 - 03:00
  • fri
    23:30 - 04:30
  • sat
    23:30 - 04:30
It is open in summer from the half of April to the last of September. Crowded on friday and saturday. Open from tuesday to sunday in April, May and September. Open everynight June, July and August.
Opening hours are for guidance only.


Viale Europa 5
Torre del Lago, Versilia map
opening hours

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Updated: 9 Aug 2022
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