Budva Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Budva

Check our online hotel map of Budva to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Hotel Astoria, Budva
Hotel Astoria
Njegoševa 4, Old Town map
Budva Old Town, Budva

From € 76 - € 157
10 rooms
471 reviews, 8.7

Featuring a private beach area, Hotel Astoria enjoys a charming, unique location on the main street of the old town of Budva.

Apartments Vila Galileo, Budva
Apartments Vila Galileo
Balkanska 15 map

11 rooms
157 reviews, 9.3

Situated 600 metres from the sea, Vila Galileo enjoys a quiet and pleasant location next to a forest. It offers air-conditioned accommodation with cable TV and a furnished balcony.

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