Aarhus Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Aarhus

Check our online hotel map of Aarhus to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus
Helnan Marselis Hotel
Strandvejen 25 map

From € 152 - € 13466
154 rooms
5080 reviews, 7.5

Overlooking Aarhus Bay and the Kattegat Sea, this hotel has a fitness area, sauna, small indoor swimming pool and free Wi-Fi.

Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel Aarhus
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel Aarhus
Thomas Jensen Alle 1 map

From € 127 - € 300
249 rooms
5453 reviews, 8.0

Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel is part of the Scandinavian Congress Centre in the heart of Aarhus. It offers an on-site Fitness World centre and modern rooms with free Wi-Fi.

Scandic Aarhus City
Scandic Aarhus City
Østergade 10 map

From € 132 - € 200
228 rooms
1855 reviews, 7.9

Modern hotel in the heart of Aarhus close to shopping, attractions and transportation. One of our best hotels whether you travel on weekdays or enjoy a weekend break.

Scandic Aarhus Vest
Scandic Aarhus Vest
Rytoften 3 map

From € 118 - € 158
146 rooms
1325 reviews, 7.3

Scandic Aarhus Vest is 3.5 km from the Old Town in Aarhus. It offers a tasteful buffet breakfast and rooms with a satellite TV and free Wi-Fi.

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