Lone Star Saloon

Located on Harrison Street between 9th & 10th, the Lone Star Saloon is home to San Francisco's friendly gay Bear Community. The Lone Star was the world's first BEAR BAR. Established in 1989, the Lone Star Saloon is proud to be known as the original Bear Bar USA!

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Lone Star Saloon information

opening hours

opening hours

  • mon
    16:00 - 02:00
  • tue
    16:00 - 02:00
  • wed
    16:00 - 02:00
  • thu
    16:00 - 02:00
  • fri
    16:00 - 02:00
  • sat
    16:00 - 02:00
  • sun
    14:00 - 02:00
Opening hours are for guidance only.


Lone Star Saloon
1354 Harrison St
San Francisco map
opening hours

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Updated: 28 Nov 2021

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