Búzios Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Búzios

Check our online hotel map of Búzios to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Hotel Atlântico Búzios Convention
Hotel Atlântico Búzios Convention
Estrada da Usina, s/n map
Humaita, Búzios

From € 72 - € 146
146 rooms
908 reviews, 8.4

Facing the Armação Beach, close to the Orla Bardot and a few minutes walking distance from the popular Rua das Pedras street, the Hotel Atlântico Búzios offers comfortable, well-lit rooms with wood furnishings.

Vila deste Hotel, Búzios
Vila deste Hotel
Alto do Humaitá, 11 map
Humaita, Búzios

From € 160 - € 323
20 rooms
696 reviews, 9.4

Vila d’este is a romantic refuge with the true essence of Búzios, a place which preserves que authenticity and tradition.

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