Santa Marta Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Santa Marta

Check our online hotel map of Santa Marta to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Hotel Boutique Casa Carolina, Santa Marta
Hotel Boutique Casa Carolina
Calle 12 # 3-40. Centro Historico map
Centro Historico, Santa Marta

From € 63 - € 98
16 rooms
1383 reviews, 9.0

Offering an outdoor swimming pool, rooftop hot tubs and a spa, Hotel Boutique Casa Carolina is located next to San Francisco Monastery in Santa Marta's historic center, and 200 metres from Santa Marta beach and Simón Bolívar Square.

Masaya Santa Marta
Masaya Santa Marta
Calle 14 #04-80 map
Centro Historico, Santa Marta

From € 40 - € 112
67 rooms
2228 reviews, 8.9

This modern hostel is located in the heart of Santa Marta, just 400 metres from the bay. It boasts free Wi-Fi, 2 swimming pools and a terrace with excellent views of the city.


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