Playa del Carmen Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Playa del Carmen

Check our online hotel map of Playa del Carmen to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Magic Blue Spa Boutique Hotel Adults Only, Playa del Carmen
Magic Blue Spa Boutique Hotel Adults Only
10th Avenue, between 10th and 12th Street map
Centro, Playa del Carmen

From € 109 - € 156
149 rooms
1741 reviews, 8.4

Located in the heart of Playa del Carmen, only steps away from the city's famous 5th Avenue where nightlife, restaurants, shopping and attractions gather and a few blocks from the beach and different beach clubs where the hotel guests have access.

Ocean Maya Royale Adults Only - All Inclusive, Playa del Carmen
Ocean Maya Royale Adults Only - All Inclusive
Carretera Federal Chetumal, Km 299 map
Playa del Carmen

From € 214 - € 563
109 rooms
355 reviews, 8.5

Offering endless activities, international on-site dining and full-service spa treatments, Ocean Maya Royale provides oceanfront accommodations.

Porto Playa Condo Hotel and Beach Club, Playa del Carmen
Porto Playa Condo Hotel and Beach Club
1 Avenida Norte Esquina 16 Norte Bis map
Centro, Playa del Carmen

From € 182 - € 243
22 rooms
371 reviews, 8.9

Featuring a serene tropical atmosphere, surrounded by waterfalls and lush gardens, this apartment-style resort is only minutes from beautiful beaches and exciting attractions and offers all the comforts of home.


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