Innsbruck Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Innsbruck

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Featured hotels
Hotel Maximilian - Stadthaus Penz, Innsbruck
Hotel Maximilian - Stadthaus Penz
Marktgraben 7-9 map
Innenstadt, Innsbruck

From € 138 - € 183
54 rooms
2281 reviews, 8.9

The family-run Hotel Maximilian is located in the heart of Innsbruck’s Old Town, next to a pedestrian zone, offering air-conditioned rooms and free WiFi.

Hotel Kapeller Innsbruck
Hotel Kapeller Innsbruck
Philippine-Welser-Straße 96 map
Amras, Innsbruck

From € 132 - € 148
24 rooms
1797 reviews, 8.7

A 10-minute tram ride from Innsbruck’s Old Town, Hotel Kapeller offers modern rooms furnished in pastel colours. It also offers free Wi-Fi, free on-site private parking and a rich buffet breakfast.

Hotel Goldene Krone Innsbruck
Hotel Goldene Krone Innsbruck
Maria-Theresien-Straße 46 map
Innenstadt, Innsbruck

From € 66 - € 139
39 rooms
5627 reviews, 7.2

Offering views of the Triumphal Arch and the Bergisel Ski Jump, the Goldene Krone is a family-run in a Baroque building in the centre of Innsbruck, just 300 metres from the train station.


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