Brasilia Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Brasilia

Check our online hotel map of Brasilia to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Manhattan Plaza, Brasilia
Manhattan Plaza
SHN Quadra 2, Bloco A map
North Wing, Brasilia

From € 39 - € 45
324 rooms
3243 reviews, 8.7

Offering rooms with panoramic city views and featuring an outdoor pool, a sauna and a fitness centre, Manhattan Plaza is located in downtown Brasília, near the city's main mall and Ulisses Guimaraes Convention centre, and includes free WiFi.

Nobile Suites Monumental, Brasilia
Nobile Suites Monumental
SHN Quadra 04, Bloco B map
North Wing, Brasilia

From € 42 - € 60
25 rooms
2916 reviews, 8.8

Nobile Suites Monumental is conveniently located in the centre of Brasilia, a 15-minute drive from the airport and a 5-minute walk from Brasília Shopping.

St Paul Plaza Hotel, Brasilia
St Paul Plaza Hotel
SHS Quadra 2 Bloco H map
South Wing, Brasilia

From € 32 - € 40
409 rooms
4786 reviews, 8.5

Offering an outdoor pool and sauna, St Paul Plaza Hotel is located in Brasilia in the Distrito Federal Region, 500 metres from Conjunto Nacional Mall.


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