The Hague Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of The Hague

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Featured hotels
Hotel Des Indes The Hague
Hotel Des Indes The Hague
Lange Voorhout 54 - 56 map
The Hague City Centre, The Hague

From € 183 - € 254
96 rooms
1902 reviews, 8.7

Hotel Des Indes is a luxurious 5-star hotel on the Lange Voorhout in the city centre of The Hague. There is an exclusive Health Club with a swimming pool.

Novotel Den Haag City Centre, fully renovated, The Hague
Novotel Den Haag City Centre, fully renovated
Hofweg 5 - 7 map
The Hague City Centre, The Hague

From € 79 - € 182
111 rooms
3497 reviews, 8.4

Novotel Den Haag City Center is a 4-star hotel located in the center of The Hague. Uniquely located in the Hague Passage, this accommodation offers a comfortable stay with modern amenities.

Stadsvilla Hotel Mozaic Den Haag, The Hague
Stadsvilla Hotel Mozaic Den Haag
Laan Copes van Cattenburch 38 map
The Hague City Centre, The Hague

From € 91 - € 178
25 rooms
2158 reviews, 8.8

Housed in two monumental buildings, Stadsvilla Hotel Mozaic offers luxury and a modern design in the beautiful Archipel area of The Hague.


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