Florianopolis Hotel Guide 2024

modern hotel room with concrete wall
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Hotel map of Florianopolis

Check our online hotel map of Florianopolis to see available hotels and their prices on the map.

Featured hotels
Rede Andrade Floph, Florianopolis
Rede Andrade Floph
Rua Artista Bittencourt, 14 map
Florianopolis City Centre, Florianopolis

140 rooms
5254 reviews, 6.9

The 4-star Florianópolis Palace Hotel offers luxurious rooms and a privileged location in the heart of Florianópolis, close to bars, restaurants, shopping malls and hot spots of the nightlife.

Slaviero Baia Norte Florianópolis, Florianopolis
Slaviero Baia Norte Florianópolis
Avenida Beira Mar Norte, 220 map
Florianopolis City Centre, Florianopolis

From € 52 - € 219
116 rooms
1868 reviews, 8.0

Slaviero Baia Norte Florianópolis is set in a privileged location in the centre of Florianópolis, right in front of North Bay and Hercílio Luz brigde.

Valerim Florianópolis, Florianopolis
Valerim Florianópolis
Rua Felipe Schmidt, 705 map
Florianopolis City Centre, Florianopolis

From € 32 - € 81
12 rooms
3874 reviews, 8.3

Valerim Florianópolis offers 3-star accommodations with free WiFi and a rich breakfast with 70 different items served at the restaurant on site.

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